Have you ever dreamed a big dream? A dream that could challenge you in every way? A dream that seemed impossible unless God decided to make it work?! If you have, then you are just like us. We're just a simple hometown family. But we've had a lot of big dreams for many years. Being a part of Premier Designs, direct service company, has taught us the value of dreaming so big that only God could get the glory! For years we've considered traveling America with our kids. However, a mortgage, consumer debt, work, rigorous school schedules, and maintenance on our home and property always gave us legitimate excuses to stay home, keep our hand to the plow, and consider "maybe next summer" as an option. 

One step of faith has lead to another for us. After 15 years of being a part of Premier Designs, we tend to do life a little differently than the typical American family. Mike quit his 9-5 job for more flexibility which led to an opportunity to own his own business: Stiffany Mannequins. So we are 2 work from home parents. Our kids love their school opportunities but we sometimes feel trapped by the schedules that are demanded for them to be a part of any extra-curricular program. It seems if you join, you must be "all in" to everything. This is impossible. You cannot be all-in to everything. Last year we were struck one week when all 4 kids had a sports event in a different town on the same night. And to top it off, I had work planned that evening with a group of women for a Premier Style Show. I wanted to be literally in 5 places at once. But that is impossible... is there another option? Or is this the life we had to live? We began talking and praying more about a dream I had once said in jest. "Mike, what if we sold everything, bought an rv, and traveled America? I bet I can find women from other states who would love to get free jewelry for hanging out with me and learning some high-fashion tips. And once we've traveled, we could decide where we felt the most "at home" and start over, intentionally, with a little more wisdom under our belts." Well, that dream (though at the moment was just a random thought in desperation to not feel like I was being pulled in a thousand directions) has never fully left either of us. 

This past year, Mike re-birthed the vision. "Amy Jo, I think the kids are old enough for it to work. What do you think of going for it?" He caught me off-guard! You see, typically, I'm the wild dreamer and Mike is the voice of reason. So, you know we're in new territory when the voice of reason seems unorthodox! He didn't have to tell me twice. So we put the house for sale! We began making plans, and most importantly praying and reading everything we could get our hands on to give us spiritual and mental encouragement. And that's an awesome story that only God could have worked out. (A story I'll share later) 

So, here we are... 4 awesome kids who have many talents, friends, and a wonderful school-system that they are willing to put aside for a period of time (roughly a year) in order to see new things, meet new people, and try out virtual school options! They are FEARLESS! Which is something Mike and I wish we could say about ourselves! We struggle with doubt often that we are the craziest people on the planet. Who would leave their hometown for the "what if?" But Mike began a saying one afternoon that began our faith-walk for this journey. "I don't want to be held back by the what if, I want to be empowered by the what if." Shortly there after, I found the book "If" by Mark Batterson.  WOW. (That's a must read, btw) Only God's timing. And Mike and myself: we are open to the Spirit's leading as we make our plans. We will begin our trip going East from Ohio to Maine, South to Florida, West to Cali, North to Washington, and back East again to Michigan (the home of the great lakes). I am hoping to host 2 Premier Style Shows in each State along the way. (If you're reading this, and you're not a Premier Accessory Stylist, would YOU consider being one of my 2 Style Show Partners? I promise FREE JEWELRY for you, and a great time!)

We are hoping that Premier will be our primary source of income throughout the journey. But we are open to other speaking engagements, as well.  if you're looking for entertainment, encouragement, Bible Study teachers, ladies fellowship, parenting, marriage retreat speakers, or leadership training; we've done these types of teachings since we were married, almost 18 years ago. Mike literally became a youth pastor while we were on our honeymoon. His internship went full time pastor when the youth director quit while we were traveling. (Again, another story for another blog! Looks like I've got some stories to share! I hope to keep you laughing and learning!) I've even been involved with prison ministry in numbers of prisons throughout Taiwan (as a missionary-English teacher to an MK) and a couple prisons in America. It's amazing, as we look back, to see the different skill sets God has given us "schooling" in. We are happy to serve Him wherever He directs.  Prov 16:9 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "The heart of a son of man plans his ways and Lord Jehovah orders his steps.")

The first unexpected blessing: The Springs Youth Camp, in Gladwin, Mi. 

Our dream: To encourage the saints and entertain the curious! To go to the land that the Lord will show us! (Gen 12:1)

Our plan: To hold a minimum of 2 Premier Designs Style Shows in every contiguous state. To visit loved ones across America. To teach, share, and encourage people through whatever "random" opportunities come along, on our journey. To be FUN via video, blogging, and any other options we think up.